Unveiling the Cloud- 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Marium Sohail
3 min readJul 31, 2023


Cloud computing has rapidly taken over the world, given its convenience and efficiency. A survey carried out in 2010 reveals 35% of the respondents favor cloud computing for their businesses and individual needs.

From unlimited accessibility to competent scalability, cloud computing has changed the entire dynamic of the game. However, like all technological advancements, cloud technology also comes with its own set of drawbacks.

Let’s take a look at the benefits and challenges of cloud computing and see if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

3 Benefits of Cloud Technology

Unparalleled Accessibility

With all your data on the cloud, you only need an internet connection to access it. You do not have to be leashed to a specific device in a specific location.

Not only does it reduce the potential barriers in the way of your work, but also significantly increases your productivity.

Effective Scalability

The best part about cloud computing is the ability to scale your resources depending on your needs. Gone are the days when you had to invest an exorbitant amount in hardware and software updates.

Whether you are a startup or an established corporation, there is bound to be a fluctuation in your demand vs supply. This is where cloud computing comes in! You can easily upgrade with a few clicks without the hassle and additional cost of physical infrastructure upgrades.

Effortless Collaboration

Cloud computing has completely revolutionized the way teams collaborate, thanks to cloud-based interacting tools available. It allows multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously, cutting down the time and energy input.

Besides teamwork, cloud computing also permits safe access to data with clients and stakeholders, allowing you to ditch traditional computing.

3 Disadvantages of Cloud Technology

Privacy Control

Cloud computing means you will be sharing your organization’s sensitive data with a third-party service provider. While there is nothing wrong with trusting a cloud computing service provider after conducting due diligence, privacy breach still remains a problem. Always choose credible providers and conduct regular audits to monitor access and keep your data safe.

Internet Availability

Cloud-computed data accessibility requires an undisputed internet connection at all times. Hence, people living in remote areas lacking internet services may find it hard to access their data.

Additionally, you will also have to keep a backup internet option when travelling to areas with weak signals. To ensure a smooth working experience, make sure you have access to fast internet all the time.


No matter how good of a service provider you have, there may sometimes be unwarranted service disruption. This can lead to missed deadlines, customer dissatisfaction, and exponential loss in your business.

Discuss the downtime support policies with your provider to mitigate the loss during outages. It is completely normal to observe downtime, but it should not be often.

Final Verdict

There is no denying that cloud computing is a technological marvel. However, to utilize the technology to its full extent, you need to be aware of its drawbacks as well. It is important to choose your service provider carefully to reduce the risk of security breaches and enhance productivity.

With the rapidly advancing technology, the entire world will shift to cloud computing. Thus, it is better to embrace the cloud while keeping proactive measures in mind.

