How to Get Rid of Belly Fat in 1 Month? 5 Proven Ways to Lose Weight!

Marium Sohail
3 min readJul 31, 2023


Do you want to get rid of your flabby belly and fit into your old jeans again? Well, you are at just the right place! The best part is that you can lose all this weight naturally with a few lifestyle changes only. Let’s get into the details.

Weight loss requires a sustainable, long-term plan with consistent efforts. Nonetheless, with the right approach, it is possible to start seeing some results in 1 month. Keep in mind you cannot spot-reduce fat. Hence, you must reduce your overall weight to see visible belly fat loss.

Here are a few natural ways to lose belly fat and attain a slimmer waistline. This improves not only your appearance but also your health.

Calorie Deficit

The key to losing belly fat lies in tricking your body into burning the stored fat. When you consume fewer calories than you burn, your body goes into a calorie deficit. To compensate for this deficit, your body starts burning fat stored in your belly, abdomen, and thighs.

You should start with a 500-calorie deficit, ideally after discussing it with a nutritionist. The nutritionist will formulate a personalized diet chart depending on your age, height, and health history. This will help you get adequate nutrients even under a calorie deficit.

Portion Control

Mindlessly reducing your calorie intake to lose belly fat will do more harm than good in the longer run. Instead, focus on substituting processed, high-calorie food with nutrient-dense food that will keep you full longer.

Eliminate all kinds of sugary beverages and reduce carb intake while increasing protein and fruit intake to reduce frequent hunger pangs. A survey conducted in 2014 shows that having smaller portion sizes lead to weight loss in 43% of consumers.

Daily Workout

Exercising daily is an excellent way to burn fat and get a trimmer waist. A combination of HIIT, cardio, and strength training can accelerate weight loss and also keep you healthy.

Besides strenuous daily workouts, small lifestyle changes can also make a huge impact. This includes taking the stairs, walking to nearby stores, and taking breaks between work to move your body.

Proper Sleep

A correlation between cortisol and abdominal fat shows that stress and increased cortisol cause an increase in weight and belly fat. Short, disturbed sleep is one of the culprits when it comes to high cortisol levels, leading to fat accumulation in the body.

Lack of sleep causes various other problems, including obesity, insulin resistance, increased appetite, and hormonal disbalances. Hence, ensure you get 8 to 10 hours of sleep every day.

Drink More Water

A study on water-induced thermogenesis suggests drinking water increases metabolism, helping in weight loss and fat reduction. Additionally, it also reduces appetite and keeps your cravings in check.

You can replace your sugary beverages with water to increase your intake. This helps you stay away from high-calorie drinks and also keeps you hydrated and full.

Final Verdict

These weight loss tips will not get rid of your belly fat entirely in a month. However, you will see drastic changes if you consistently work on these tips for another 4 to 5 months. Hence, do not lose hope and keep working to achieve your goal.

